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Easy to Make
Independence Day American Eagle
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  • Risk-free Commercial Use: Our commercial license lets you sell your creations worry-free, making business launch easy.
  • Comprehensive Tutorial: From drawing to machine settings, engraving, and assembly - we guide you through each step to simplify production.
  • Easy to Make: Import drawing to XCS with a click. Perfect for beginners.
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  1. Design Meaning: This example uses the bald eagle, unique to the Americas, as the pattern for the dial. The bald eagle is a symbol on the US national emblem, representing American independence. At the same time, the eagle is a very majestic bird, giving a powerful impression when it flies. Therefore, since ancient times, humans have regarded it as a symbol of power and courage. The pattern of the bald eagle also symbolizes that America will be like an eagle, strong, brave, just, and wise. 
  2. Function and Use Scenario: This example can display time as a clock, and also serve as a decoration for rooms, such as the living room, study, bedroom, all of which are suitable for this example.
Production Info
Making Time
60 min
Difficulty Level
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool P2
Material used
3mm Basswood Plywood
3mm Walnut Plywood
3mm Black Acrylic
3mm White acrylic
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
All Products can be used for Commercial Use.